Kamis, 14 Juni 2012

Job and Career

Name: Retna Rumayanti
Nim: 20110540018
Class: A
INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT 1: follow up questions for listening and speaking for career development. Please answer in your own words.

1.      In your own, please define:
a.      What is job?
-.  Job is doing activities in the exchange for getting paid or money.
A job consists of duties, responsibilities, and tasks performance elements.

b.      What is career?
-. Career is the progress and action taken a person for an achievement throughout a lifetime.

c.       What are differences between the two?
A job
A career
A job is something you do simply to earn money

career is a series of connected employment opportunities.

A job has minimal impact on your future work life

a career provides experience and learning to fuel your future.

When you work at a job, you should do the minimum without annoying the boss.

When you’re in a career, you should go the extra mile, doing tasks beyond your minimum job description.

A job offers few networking opportunities

a career is loaded with a Job

d.      What factor that influence the choice of a job or a career?
1. Opportunity
2. Match between your skills & ability with the requirements of the choice made.
3. Economic & self satisfaction.
4. Dignity & social esteem.
5. Loyality or hero idealization during early age.
6. Peer groups, parents, family members & society our percentage, economical problem, The factors that influence the choice of occupation are how much profit they make, and the wages, in other words, the salaries, of the people that work over there, and the salaries of the consumers.
2.      Take the teacher/lecture as the example. Please explain about teacher/lecturer as a job and teacher/lecturer as a career. Give examples of teacher/lecture as a job and as a career.
-. If someone is only working as a teacher so he just taught that only gives the material to their students and get a pay. And if he career then he can teach as a job and he can also write books as learning materials for students.

3.      Based on the cash flow quadrant, explain (using your own words):
a.      Down Arrow Callout: A job

Down Arrow Callout: A careerAbout the active and passive income.

Flowchart: Sequential Access Storage: Active income

Flowchart: Sequential Access Storage: Passive income(business owner)
  (self employee)

-          Active income: we have to  work or to do something to get pay.
-          Passive income: we don’t work but we have the money from our business.

b.       The first quadrant – Employee: what are the characteristic of this quadrant, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of becoming an employed?
1.      Characteristic: people who work for others
2.      Advantages: they get payment regularly whit fixed working hours.
3.      Disadvantages: You will find the boredom and can never stop work

c.       The second quadrant – Self Employed: what are the characteristic of this quadrant, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of becoming a self employed?
1.      Characteristic: you are the boss and employee as well
2.      Advantages: They obtained the freedom of expression and try to do everything themselves in their own way.
3.      Disadvantages: if we do not work we will not get the money

d.      This third quadrant – Business Owner: what are the characteristic of this quadrant, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of becoming a business owner?
1.      Characteristic: you are the boss, you are manifesting peoples time, mind, and energy to makes money for you.
2.      Advantages: There’s no regulation for ourself
3.      Disadvantages: we work by mind

e.      The fourth quadrant – Investor: what are the characteristic of this quadrant, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of becoming an investor?
1.      Characteristic: money works for you
2.      Advantages: unlimited income potential
3.      Disadvantages: need so much debit and have a big risk

4.      Can one person belong to each different quadrant (E,S,B,I)at the same time? Please explain and give examples.
Yes,,, because there are many job or career which can made by someone.
Example: someone business owner, he also can be investor if he have a much money.

5.      Can you explain the idea of working for money and money working for you?
If an employee then we work for money, If someone employe don’t work so someone not get the money. If we become an investor so the money that works for us.

6.      Please define your dream/obsession in the future. What do you want to be? What is the most-loved job and career path for you?
My dream is a teacher  and I want to run  business women.

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